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Rugby World Cup 2023 Sponsors

Rugby World Cup 2023 Sponsors

Hey rugby followers, have you ever wondered who the Rugby World Cup 2023 sponsors are? These sponsors are the backbone of the Rugby World Cup. From managing to the settlement of tournaments is due to these rugby sponsors.

They are the key players behind the screen, having the same importance as the players you see in action. They not only provide economic support but also make sure to make a proper promotion of the World Cup.

The tournament would not have been possible without these sponsors. They play a vital role in the smooth flow of all the matches you will see in the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

We will discuss these Rugby World Cup 2023 sponsors in detail, so let’s get started:

Rugby World Cup 2023 Sponsors

Here is the Rugby World Cup sponsors list:

  • Asahi
  • Emirates
  • Defender
  • Capgemini
  • Mastercard
  • Societe General

Asahi | Beverage Sponsor

Asahi is a beverage company. This is the official beverage sponsor of the RWC 2023. Following are the services they will provide during this tournament:

Asahi will be responsible for the continued supply of water and cold drinks to the players. It is also responsible for keeping the fans hydrated during the firing matches by providing water and beverages to the fans at the venue.

Read More: Rugby World Cup Winners List

Emirates | Airline Sponsor

Emirates is the official airline sponsor of the 2023 RWC. They will be providing the following services during the event:

All the twenty teams participating in the World Cup will fly to France through Emirate Airlines with special packages and facilities. Emirates will offer a special package for rugby fans willing to see the superb competition on the spot.

Defender | Security Sponsor

Defender is a security agency that is one of the sponsors of the RWC 2023. They will also provide the fans and players with a safe environment. They will take all the necessary steps to make this event successful without any security-related issues.

Capgemini | Tech Sponsor

Capgemini is a tech company and the official technology sponsor of the France Rugby World Cup. They will maintain all the technical needs for the success of this event. Here are the services they are going to provide during this contest:

They will manage all the apps where the fans watch these matches online using their Android phones or PCs. Capgemini will be at the forefront of all the areas where fans will see all games of the world’s best rugby teams on screen.

Read More: Rugby World Cup Pools 2023

Mastercard | Payment Sponsor

Mastercard is the official trusted Financial sponsor of the 2023 Rugby World Cup. They are going to provide the following services during the World Cup:

Master cards will provide financial services to the players and the management for a perfect tournament. They will do marketing of the Rugby World Cup to make the tournament more successful.

They will also contribute to giveaways or special fan engagement activities to make this World Cup more memorable.

Societe Generals | Financial Sponsor

Societe General is one of the main sponsors of this remarkable tournament. They are going to be financial Rugby World Cup 2023 sponsors, and the following are the primary services they will provide:

They will include payments, transactions, and financial logistics. It also includes enhancing fans’ experience by providing different facilities to rugby fans.

Read More: Rugby World Cup Schedule 2023


The Rugby World Cup has become a sensation, and the fans are excited about this event. This will be a memorable event in rugby history held in France.

But in the success of this event, the Rugby World Cup 2023 sponsors have a significant role. In the absence of these sponsors, this event would not be possible.

Aqeel Ahmad
the authorAqeel Ahmad
Aqeel Ahmad is a passionate sports fan who enjoys reading and writing about the most recent sporting events taking place all around the world.

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