The champion of the Ranji Trophy plays the rest of India in a unique, five-day competition known as the Irani Cup. The Irani Trophy was established in 1959-60 to commemorate the end of the Ranji Trophy and was given its name in honor of the late Z.R. Irani, who worked for the BCCI for more than 40 years before passing away in 1970.
Table of Contents
Irani Cup Winners List
The rest of India is the most successful team in the Irani cup they won the 29-times tournament. From 2019 to 2021 the tournament is not played due to the Covid-19 virus. The previous competition was won by the Rest of India after defeating Saurashtra.
Year | Winners | Runners-Up |
2022-23 | Rest of India | Saurashtra |
2021-22 | Canceled due to Covid-19 |
2020-21 | ||
2019-20 | ||
2018–19 | Vidarbha | Rest Of India |
2017–18 | Vidarbha | Rest Of India |
2016-17 | Rest of India | Gujarat |
2015-16 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2014-15 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
2013-14 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
2013 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2012-13 | Rest of India | Rajasthan |
2011-12 | Rest of India | Rajasthan |
2010-11 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2009-10 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2008-09 | Rest of India | Delhi |
2007-08 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2006-07 | Rest of India | Uttar Pradesh |
2005-06 | Railways | Rest of India |
2004-05 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2003-04 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
2002-03 | Railways | Rest of India |
2001-02 | Rest of India | Baroda |
2000-01 | Rest of India | Mumbai |
1999-00 | Rest of India | Karnataka |
1998-99 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
1997-98 | Mumbai | Rest of India |
1996-97 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
1995-96 | Mumbai | Rest of India |
1994-95 | Mumbai | Rest of India |
1993-94 | Rest of India | Punjab |
1992-93 | Rest of India | Delhi |
1991-92 | Haryana | Rest of India |
1990-91 | Rest of India | Bengal |
1989-90 | Delhi | Rest of India |
1988-89 | Tamil Nadu | Rest of India |
1987-88 | Hyderabad | Rest of India |
1986-87 | Rest of India | Delhi |
1985-86 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1984-85 | Rest of India | Bombay |
1983-84 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
1982-83 | Rest of India | Delhi |
1981-82 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1980-81 | Delhi | Rest of India |
1978-79 | Rest of India | Karnataka |
1977-78 | Rest of India | Bombay |
1976-77 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1975-76 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1974-75 | Karnataka | Rest of India |
1973-74 | Rest of India | Bombay |
1972-73 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1971-72 | Rest of India | Bombay |
1970-71 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1969-70 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1968-69 | Rest of India | Bombay/Mumbai |
1967-68 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1966-67 | Rest of India | Bombay/Mumbai |
1965-66 | Bombay & Rest of India | |
1963-64 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1962-63 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
1961-62 | No Competition Held |
1960-61 | ||
1959-60 | Bombay/Mumbai | Rest of India |
Most Time Irani Cup Winners List
No. | Team | Wons |
1 | Rest of India | 29 Times |
2 | Bombay/Mumbai | 15 Times |
3 | Karnataka | 6 Times |
4 | Vidarbha | 2 Times |
5 | Railways | 2 Times |
6 | Delhi |
2 Times |
7 | Haryana | 1 Time |
8 | Tamil Nadu | 1 Time |
9 | Hyderabad | 1 Time |
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