FIFA World CupFootballList

List FIFA World Cup Most Entertaining Team Award Winners 2022

List FIFA World Cup Most Entertaining Team Award Winners 2022

The award first was given out in 1994. It is a qualitative award, and the winner is chosen by a public poll. This world cup award is provided to the team that most entertains the audience during the final match. We have made the winners list of the Most Entertaining Team Award.

List FIFA World Cup Most Entertaining Team Award Winners 2022

Year Team
1994 Brazil
1998 France
2002 South Korea
2006 Portugal
2010 Germany
2014 Colombia
2018 Belgium
2022 Updating Soon


Aqeel Ahmad
the authorAqeel Ahmad
Aqeel Ahmad is a passionate sports fan who enjoys reading and writing about the most recent sporting events taking place all around the world.

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