
Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salaries

Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salaries

Tennis ball boys and girls play an essential role in tennis. They are responsible for retrieving balls and helping to keep the game flowing smoothly. So, what are the Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salaries? You might be surprised to know the fact that these young athletes often are not paid for their services. 

They are usually volunteers willing to play the role of tennis enthusiasts. Depending upon the organization, they might get some compensation, but compared to professional tennis players, it’s negligible.

How Much Do Tennis Ball Boys And Girls Earn?

Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salary vary depending on the tournament. 

Tournament Boys Salary Girls Salary
Wimbledon £200 to £300 £200 to £300
US Open $15 Per Hour $15 Per Hour
French Open N/A N/A
Australian Open N/A N/A

Unpaid Tournaments: According to Sports Yahoo, At some games, such as the Australian Open and French Open, ball boys and girls are not paid at all. These positions are generally seen as opportunities to gain experience and be part of a major tennis event.  

Paid Tournaments: According to a CNBC report, At other games, such as Wimbledon and the US Open, boys and girls are paid a stipend or hourly wage.

At Wimbledon, boys and girls earn around £200 per week. At the US Open, boys and girls are paid $15 per Hour.

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Why Are Tennis Balls Boys And Girls Not Paid More?

There are a few reasons tennis ball boys and girls are paid less. 


Tennis has a long tradition of using volunteers. This practice has continued over the years. It’s part of the sport’s culture, emphasizing contributing to the game.

Valued Experience over Pay

First, many people see participating as a ball boy or girl as a request and a unique opportunity to experience tennis from the inside out.

Youth and Training Perspective

Second, ball boys and girls are typically young and inexperienced. Many tournaments view their participation as a way to train the next generation of tennis professionals.

Are There Any Calls to Increase Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salaries?

Recently, there have been some calls to increase tennis ball boys’ and girls’ salaries.

Calls for Fair Compensation

Some argue that it is unfair to expect young athletes to volunteer their time and energy. When the tournaments generate millions of dollars in revenue, there should be fixed salaries for these boys and girls.

Revenue Discrepancy

In 2023, for example, the Australian Open generated over $500 million in revenue. Despite this, ball boys and girls at the tournament are still unpaid. 

Allocating a Portion of Revenue

Some people argue that this is unfair and that the tournament should set aside a small portion of its revenue to pay its ball boys and girls. It is considering their integral role in the event’s success.

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What Do Tennis Players Think About Tennis Ball Boys And Girls Salaries?

Some tennis players have spoken out to increase ball boy and girl salaries. 

Andy Murray’s Point of  View

In 2023, Andy Murray criticized the Australian Open for not paying its ball boys and girls. Murray said that it was “unfair” to expect young athletes to work for free for a tournament that was generating so much money.

Other Tennis Players

Other tennis players have defended the current system, arguing that participating as a ball boy or girl is a valuable experience that can help young athletes develop their skills and knowledge of the game.

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The issue of Tennis Ball Boys and Girls Salaries is a complex one. Ultimately, it is up to each tournament to decide whether or not to pay its ball boys and girls. However, it is essential to have a discussion about this issue and to ensure that ball boys and girls are treated fairly and with respect.

Aqeel Ahmad
the authorAqeel Ahmad
Aqeel Ahmad is a passionate sports fan who enjoys reading and writing about the most recent sporting events taking place all around the world.

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